2 more days until the WGB Cinco de Mayo event! We are very proud to support this fantastic cause. We hope to see our fellow NVBIA-ers there on Thursday!


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[PS You can register, donate or just learn more about Women Giving Back through the link below]



May 7, 2015

20 Export Drive
Sterling, VA 20164

Join us for our 6th Annual Cinco de Mayo event
with live music, dancing, a silent auction,
and tequila and wine tastings!

Cinco Register

The proceeds from this event provide direct support for the Women Giving Back program, helping us to clothe thousands of women and children in need each year. The women who attend the WGB Store leave with big smiles, new clothes, and the big boost of self-esteem that they need to participate fully in the workplace and embark on a new part towards self-sufficiency. The Cinco de Mayo event helps us to sustain this program for another year.

We can’t do it without you, so register, sponsordonate an item to our silent auction, and pass our flyer along to your friends and colleagues!