We are proud to announce that Geoff Garner, from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, has personally thanked Homestead for its compliance with the Workplace Fraud Act. This Act ensures that “all workers are treated fairly and that all competing businesses have fair and equal bidding opportunity for contract awards”. We will continue to comply to this and all other tri-state acts that exist to protect our employees.
Workplace Fraud
“Workplace fraud” is a serious problem involving employers in the construction (including all aspects of home improvement) or landscaping industries who fail to properly classify workers as “employees.” This fraudulent practice denies workers critical workplace protections guaranteed to employees, allows unscrupulous employers to undercut competitors who play by the rules, and deprives taxpayers of critical dollars. If you think an employer is committing fraud by misclassifying its workers, it is important that you let us know. All allegations are taken seriously.
For more information about the Workplace Fraud Act and how to comply with it may be found at www.dllr.maryland.gov/workplace/
PDF Download: Department of Labor Maryland Thanks Homestead